3rd International MaculArt Meeting

Maison de la mutualité
24 rue Saint-Victor
75005 Paris

MaculArt is an international congress dedicated to the state of the art in the field of the macula. It’s our great pleasure to annonce the third international MaculArt meeting, which will be held in the beautiful city of Paris, France on June 23-25, 2019.

MaculArt 2019 will give the opportunity to highlight innovations, hot topics and new imaging such as OCT angiography in addition to 3 lectures and 4 symposia given by experts. The scientific program will include clinical case sessions, poster sessions, free paper sessions, and 14 faculty sessions dedicated to exudative AMD, vein occlusion, diabetic maculopathy, myopic maculopathy, uveitis, and much more.

Programme and registration are available on MaculArt Meeting web site: https://2019.maculart-meeting.com/